How to Open Up a Can of Pink Slime and Pull Out a Great Spot
This article is about how to create great commercials. I have learned the hard way that local direct clients are not creative geniuses when writing commercials. When I let them dictate their own commercials, the chances of cancellation at some point due to lackluster response was virtually certain.

Catering to the Bottom-Feeders
Look at all of the small businesses out there that only advertise when they have sales. “20 Percent Off! 30 Percent Off!” Many of them will spend 97 percent of their advertising budgets going after the worst, most disloyal three percent that would only buy if your client’s prices were the absolute lowest available.

Dealing with Doctors Who Don’t Like Advertising
Many doctors and dentists feel that radio or television advertising “cheapens” their professions and that it is beneath them to promote their skills. Yet at the same time, these same medical professionals have no problem advertising in the Yellow Pages or in those little magazines you only see in doctors’ offices.

Regional Banks and Credit Unions
The Midwestern bank manager was eager to learn new ways to attract customers. I asked her if it was true that she was an expert in finding ways to solve people’s biggest financial problems. She lit up. She began filling my ears with real examples of how she helps people solve money problems every single day.